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Friday, August 5, 2011

38 and counting

    Well, Where do i begin!? there has been a few new developments in the past 3 weeks.. where to start where to start!
Well My husband is in the military reserves and had to be gone for my 36 and 37th week, VERY scary because i could have had the baby while he was away and that just doesnt sound like any fun at all!
But while he was gone i started my weekly checkups, and im already pretty sick of seeing my doctor when all i get asked is the same old thing every time i go, and i always have the same answers mostly.
 Well around my 36 and half weeks mark i started to develop a rash (yuck i know), WELL come to find out it is a rare rash the only 20% of pregnant women get, and out of that 20% of pregnant women 75% are having boys (lucky me!)  its called PUPPPS rash or other wise known as "Pruritic urticarial papules and plagues of pregnancy"
It Is THE WORST thing i thing i have ever gone through!, You just want to scratch your self till your skin comes off and then you still itch! Luckily it has no effect on you or the baby, It is just one of the most miserable things you can go through, And it seems as though nothing relieves it, I have tried TONS of creams and lotions and sprays, and my doctor even prescribed me something for it (witch eases it slightly but doesnt relieve the itch), My Doctor told me that it should go away after about a week or 2 after my baby is born so i have been trying to deal with this itchyness for a around 2 weeks and i have a little over a week till my due date and i really just want to sandpaper my skin right off, the rash started on my stomach and has spread everywhere but my neck and face now.. its very awful and i prey that my readers NEVER have to go through anything like that! if you do i would suggest Johnsons baby lotion, Stop itch, cold showers, ice packs and whatever the doctor will give you for the nasty itch! i havent found anything except for cold that takes the itch away and as soon as you warm back up the itch comes back, but the baby lotion and stop itch seemed to calm it a little where as nothing else i tried did anything!

 Other then that i am still perfectly healthy and having a smooth pregnancy, I was 1 centimeter dialated and 30% effaced at my last app, So things are starting to move along now..
 I took a child birth class that was very helpful to me, It helped me to be not so nervous and concerned about labor because they told about alot of different ways or labors could happen and what they could do if such things were to happen, and just learning about the different stages of labor in general was very helpful, I also won a boppy pillow witch i am SUPER excited about!! i really wanted one and kept putting it off as a (Want) not a (Need) and now i got one :)..

 I have a best friend that was due the day before me and she has had her baby so now im all anxious and excited to have my little one, i cannot wait to see what he looks like!

I Finely got my crib set up and my bags packed and ready to go whenever baby decides its time for him to make an appearance (for some reason i am SOOO paranoid i will forget something!) Now im trying to get my husband ready to couch me through my labor (he missed the child birth class because of the military) teaching him different breathing for the different stages, and now we are just sort of playing the waiting game.....

Monday, July 11, 2011

35 weeks

Its Amazing to me how fast my pregnancy is flying by i cant believe that i only have 5 weeks left!
So many people are asking me if i am ready to be done, But really i have enjoyed being pregnant, Yes it is getting harder and more uncomfortable but i know i am going to miss the feeling of him wiggling around in there once he is born so i am just going to try to enjoy it while i cant because i only have a very short time left!

Today he is causing me some pain though very sharp pain and i might end up calling my doctor, i think he is just sitting funny though because it feels like a pinched nerve and it is right below my ribs on my right side (were he always sits) and if i lay on my left side the pain subsides and doesnt come back until i am up and moving around again. My hips also have been steadily hurting more and more but still very bearable.

I really want to ge one of those Pregnancy back support bands I think that, that would help alot with the discomfort i have from just simply walking around, I think he is starting to get ready to drop (or he is just so big he is sitting different now because he has no room) I dont know witch but either way there is a reason pregnant ladys waddle!!! you never think about it till it actually happens to you.. but now i know why we waddle around!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hospital bag

Had my babyshower this week, Very big stress off my shoulders! had a wonderful party with lots of loved ones.
 And now that i have gotten my gifts i know for sure exactly what i need to buy now, that is one thing that was starting to bug me, I wanted to buy things but didnt want to buy it then get it at my babyshower so i waited..... WELL the wait is over it is time to go baby shopping!
I am trying to make a list of things i NEED and then i want to make a list of things i WANT.... its hard because im trying to convince myself i NEED a swing when really i just want one... I mean sure it would be a great asset but i dont actually need it more then i need to stock up on diapers and wipes, right?
I have had the hardest time with finding a diaper bag that i like ( a NEED ) i want one that is cute and easy to carry but has lots of room also! its hard to find the perfect diaper bag but i will find it sooner or later.... hopefully sooner rather then later!! i need it so i can pack it for the hospital....

I have a list of things i need for the diaper bag for when i go to the hospital, a list of things i will need period, and a list of things i really want...

hospital bag list (for during labor)
Nursing pads
Nursing pillow
Camera (one in a life time moment... document it)
Small contact list
Sanitary Pads (Not a must have, Hospital should supply them)
None slip socks (also hospital should supply)
Receiving blankets
Coming home outfit

Also hospital bag (Just nice to have not necessarily needed)
Dressing gown/ Robe

 Books or magazines
 Spray bottle (for cooling you down during labor)
 Refillable water bottle
Change of clothes (like 2 pair, and also some pajamas)
Snacks and drinks
(also have daddy wear comfy clothes and bring snacks for himself)

After labor list for you

Nursing bras
 Nipple cream (I have heard vitamin E oil works wonders also)
 Lightweight nursing gown
 Ear plugs (If your sharing a room)

 Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel

 Toothbrush and toothpaste
 Hair brush and clips
 Hand cream
Slippers and or flip flops (you could be to swollen for normal shoes)
 Going home clothes

After labor list for baby

Car seat
An outift (with feet is preferable)
 Sun or winter hat

Scratch mittens (those little nails can be sharp)
 Bottles if required

And for Daddy

Shampoo, conditioner, soap
Toothbrush and toothpaste

I think thats it... i hope lol

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

32 week drama

  Last week ended with me in the hospital for abdominal and back pain, These last 2 months of pregnancy you really dont ignore anything unusual and when you call the hospital they are more likely to tell you just to come in to be safe, Well thats what happened to me, I hadnt had the pain i had been feeling before in my pregnancy so i was worried and called in, They strapped me in to the heart monitor and the contraction monitor to check the baby and make sure i wasnt having contractions ( witch it turned out i wasnt having any whatsoever) And babys heart rate was great so they ask me a few questions and waited for some test results to come back on my urine, and once they did it ended up being a kidney stone (Another one of those things no one tells you is common during pregnancy) VERY painful but not to serious so i got to go back home for the night, I didnt not sleep at all because of the pain in my back mostly, it almost felt like i had appendicitis (witch is impossible because i got it a few years back and had my appendix out) but luckily by 7 the next morning the pain had gone from my back and my cramped abdomen didnt feel so bad after that.

Then to begin this week (32nd week) i started getting very suddenly dizzy and lightheaded and i was a little worried so i called my mother, She has delivered babies as a midwife (even though it isn't her profession it is a passion of hers) and has had 7 kids of her own and over half of us were born at home without a doctor, So i figured she should know why i would be feeling dizzy, Well she had many guesses all of witch seemed a good possibility such as a lack of nutrients, dehydration, hunger and ext, I personally thought it was anemia so i got some Blackstrape molasses (high in iron) and mixed a few spoonfuls into some milk and drank that and i also picked up some iron vitamins with some vitamin c (vitamin c helps your body absorb iron better)
to just take with my prenatal vitamins.

Alot of weird things can happen during pregnancy and no one seems to tell you but so far this has been the most dramatic things to happen to me personally, so i hope the next 8 weeks arent as bad as the last 2..

Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby weight

Well i haven't done to bad so far on the weight gain end of this pregnancy (16 pounds at 30 weeks), But nearing the end i think the tables are about to turn on me.
I am STARVING lately... and what am i craving? anything and everything sweet and unhealthy, the past few months i have had my share of cravings but they haven't been as relentless as this last 4 weeks i could eat a whole tub of ice cream for every meal! HELP! i was doing so well, but alas i fear that is over! all i can hope for is not to gain to much..

Im an almost 32 weeks now and the relentless fatigue is really kicking into gear!, I wake up exhausted and the other day as soon as i ate breakfast i layed down on the couch and slept for 3 more hours!! and that still wasnt enough! i could have slept all day, I had to dig up some major motivation just to get off the couch and start my day after having slept for at least a good 13 hours.
Thank goodness that had only happened once!

In other news my feet have started to swell :( my feet have felt hot and dry alot lately and now they are starting to feel tight so it is true what they say about the end of pregnancy being uncomfortable.. i still love having my little one baking in there but its not so easy breezy as it was before.

I can actually tell that my babys growing and getting longer all the time because very day i feel more and more pressure on my rib cage and i am hoping he will be nice and not crack or brake any of mommys ribs, because some days it feels like it.. he loves to sit right up in there and go crazy with all his little movements.

Monday, June 13, 2011

31 week mark

I have just hit 31 weeks and its starting to REALLY sink in that I will be seeing my little precious baby is 9 weeks (or less) AH... SOOO excited yet SOOO nervous at the same time!.
 Pregnancy has been such an adventure and i have loved it, I know Im going to miss it once Baby is born!.

 In the 31 weeks I have been through so far I still feel as unprepared as when I first found out,
There are a lot of wants, a lot MORE needs, and simply no way for me to have everything I feel I have to have!
But I'm sure it will all come together.

My my my, I am telling you! DO NOT travel when you are 31 weeks pregnant, Its uncomfortable and possibly dangerous. I just went on a 3 hour trip and then had to travel back home just a few hours later so all in all about 6 hours more or less behind the wheel, And it gets very painful to sit so long! and if you get dehydrated then you can go into pre term labor! i made sure to drink alot of fluids so that, that wouldn't happen to me. And i am SOO glad it didn't because i was out in the middle of nowhere more then half of the trip and who knows if i would have made it to a hospital in time or if i would have been that one unlucky girl to give birth right there on the highway.

But if you are GOING to travel, Here are some things i would recommend you take with you,

Water and LOTS of it ( no getting dehydrated )
Mints or gum (in case of car sickness)
Pillows (use however you want i would have used it for my back)
Neck Pillow (unless yours the driver)
Snacks (preferably ones that are good for you)
Good book (again unless your the driver)
Toilet paper (just incase your in the middle of nowhere and cant hold it in anymore)

And you should also try to strech out a little when you stop, to much sitting  makes you a little sore.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oh boy!

                  Well I am now officially going to the Doctor every 2 weeks!
I had a Doc. App at 30 weeks and everything it still looking great (cant believe how lucky i have been!)
At the App. my Doctor told me i was measuring at 31 when normally i would be measuring at 30 (because im 30 weeks) and when I had my ultrasound at 28 and a half weeks and the Nurse told me that my little guy is measuring at a little over 3 pounds (for those of you who dont know, This means my Babys a little bigger then normal). Babys should be around 3 pounds at around 30 weeks (according to Mayo clinic guide to a healthy pregnancy) Babys measuring a little more then a week bigger then average.
 This to me is a little scary because i would really like to have an all natural birth (without painkiller), So if my Baby is starting to grow a little bigger then the normal (average birth weight is between 6 and 7 1/2 pounds) that means I could have a baby anywhere between 8 1/2 to 9 1/2 ish lbs!!!!(just a guesstimation) OUCH!... But regardless i will still try my best to go all natural. (wish me luck!)

 More on Baby, His heart rate was 160 and it always runs between 150s and 160s so everything normal there,
He is head down just like he is supposed to be (Good little guy has been head down the whole time as far as we know) his little butt is stuck way up in my ribs and he loves to just kick his little legs out and let mommy know if he is uncomfortable with the way i sit or lay down, He esp loves to kick the bed at night when i lay on my right side, must get a little tight when i lay that way.

 My husband has been lucky enough not to be kept awake all night by his kicks, I have heard multiple fathers complain that when mommy snuggles up to them they cant sleep because all the baby kicks!.
I have also been fairly lucky, I have only been woken up by those little kicks and punches about 3 times (so far lol) And i think i owe that to my body pillow! if you are pregnant and dont have a Bobby body pillow you are missing out on the sleep your going to NEED! i cant say that it will work for everyone else like it did for me but once i got that pillow i slept SO much better! it helped me with my hip pain and also it props my belly slightly for additional support for my spine  (if you cant get one try a small pillow between the knees and a small pillow to prop your belly up off the bed! works wonders).

 Thanks for reading :)