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Friday, August 5, 2011

38 and counting

    Well, Where do i begin!? there has been a few new developments in the past 3 weeks.. where to start where to start!
Well My husband is in the military reserves and had to be gone for my 36 and 37th week, VERY scary because i could have had the baby while he was away and that just doesnt sound like any fun at all!
But while he was gone i started my weekly checkups, and im already pretty sick of seeing my doctor when all i get asked is the same old thing every time i go, and i always have the same answers mostly.
 Well around my 36 and half weeks mark i started to develop a rash (yuck i know), WELL come to find out it is a rare rash the only 20% of pregnant women get, and out of that 20% of pregnant women 75% are having boys (lucky me!)  its called PUPPPS rash or other wise known as "Pruritic urticarial papules and plagues of pregnancy"
It Is THE WORST thing i thing i have ever gone through!, You just want to scratch your self till your skin comes off and then you still itch! Luckily it has no effect on you or the baby, It is just one of the most miserable things you can go through, And it seems as though nothing relieves it, I have tried TONS of creams and lotions and sprays, and my doctor even prescribed me something for it (witch eases it slightly but doesnt relieve the itch), My Doctor told me that it should go away after about a week or 2 after my baby is born so i have been trying to deal with this itchyness for a around 2 weeks and i have a little over a week till my due date and i really just want to sandpaper my skin right off, the rash started on my stomach and has spread everywhere but my neck and face now.. its very awful and i prey that my readers NEVER have to go through anything like that! if you do i would suggest Johnsons baby lotion, Stop itch, cold showers, ice packs and whatever the doctor will give you for the nasty itch! i havent found anything except for cold that takes the itch away and as soon as you warm back up the itch comes back, but the baby lotion and stop itch seemed to calm it a little where as nothing else i tried did anything!

 Other then that i am still perfectly healthy and having a smooth pregnancy, I was 1 centimeter dialated and 30% effaced at my last app, So things are starting to move along now..
 I took a child birth class that was very helpful to me, It helped me to be not so nervous and concerned about labor because they told about alot of different ways or labors could happen and what they could do if such things were to happen, and just learning about the different stages of labor in general was very helpful, I also won a boppy pillow witch i am SUPER excited about!! i really wanted one and kept putting it off as a (Want) not a (Need) and now i got one :)..

 I have a best friend that was due the day before me and she has had her baby so now im all anxious and excited to have my little one, i cannot wait to see what he looks like!

I Finely got my crib set up and my bags packed and ready to go whenever baby decides its time for him to make an appearance (for some reason i am SOOO paranoid i will forget something!) Now im trying to get my husband ready to couch me through my labor (he missed the child birth class because of the military) teaching him different breathing for the different stages, and now we are just sort of playing the waiting game.....

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